soft food diet

Soft Food Diet

This dietary regimen is usually prescribed only on the request of any registered physician. There are various reasons for prescribing a soft food diet. One reason could be that there is a patient who is recovering from a surgery. It is also prescribed to a patient suffering from any form of cancer. Any person who is suffering from dysphagia; i.e. they are having some problems in chewing are provided with this diet.

Another reason could be that there is any dental problem for the patient; maybe there has been an implant, or a tooth has been extracted. These are among the reasons why there may have been a problem in chewing the food. Again, we cannot restrict the type of food we would be having. We should have food that is nutritious, but which does not need much chewing. In this article, we would discuss in detail the soft foods diet.

What are the Foods That We Can Eat?

When we are on this diet regimen, it is known that we have to be on a low fibre diet, but we should have all types of food. We will now talk more about what we can eat as a part of this diet. We can have healthy carbs like oats as well as biscuits made from whole grains and plenty of milk. Mashed potatoes are also a great option. Most of the foods that we eat need to be mashed or boiled to make it soft. We know that milk and associated products provide a great source of calcium and can be included as part of the soft diet foods. These include milk along with milk shakes as well as yoghurt and cottage cheese.

We know that fruits and veggies are difficult to chew or digest when we have it raw. So, it is suggested that we boil them to make them softer. We could have mashed veggies along with fruits like bananas and various berries that can be chewed easily. Stewed fruit and smoothies with lots of fruits are also good for the taste buds. Juices can also be had as part of this diet. The skins and the outside peels have to be removed before having them.

Proteins are also needed, but we must ensure that we are not having anything fried and tough to chew. We can have some lean meat that is stewed. We can also have tinned fish that are either boiled or have it as a stew. We can have eggs as well.

Some Great Soft Diet Food Ideas

We will now discuss a few soft diet food ideas. The chocolate pudding. We will need to heat the milk, chocolate and the butter. We will have to mix the flour along with some sugar and salt. Once this is done, we will pour this on the milk and chocolate mixture. We will boil the combined mixture for 15-20 minutes. We will mix some egg yolk and heat it till 160 degrees. We will then remove it and stir with some vanilla. We cover the entire mixture and put it in refrigeration.

Another one is the peach smoothie. We combine the peaches and the vanilla yoghurt. We will then cover them and ensure they are blended. We put it in the refrigerator for some time and then serve.

We may be prescribed to go on a soft food diet menu due to various reasons when we are recovering from surgery, or we have problems in chewing. However, we should ensure that we have nutritious food. We should ensure we are taking some rest. We can resume normal food only after consulting the experts.